Tag Archives: bioethical

Bioethical dilemma of the formicaries

formicariesFormicaries are devices in which live colonies of ants. An exit out from formicaries of insects is not possible; they receive both water and food from the outside. Initially with formicary professionals made experiments. However, today formicary sells the Internet, advertizes as a good gift to children of 7 years. Question: Is it possible to sell from the ethical point of view what was originally created for scientific experiments? Answers mean an ethical dilemma. Continue reading

Minimizing contradictions in bioethical discourse

bioeticsGeneral development of science, breakthroughs in medicine and biology, creation and widespread of new technologies in the latter third of 20th century – all this has significantly changed the interactions between mankind and nature and between the man and his body. The new context raises the eternal questions about life and death, health and sickness; changes the experience of pain and transforms the reflection of suffering. Continue reading