Category Archives: Social

?l?ments d’une conscience ?thique dans les ?pop?es, le folklore, la litt?rature religieuse

folkComme nous le savons, cette soci?t? existe depuis des milliers d’ann?es. Depuis le d?but de son existence, elle est r?glement?e par r?gles et des lois. Elles ont jou? un r?le important dans le d?veloppement de la mentalit? de la population contemporaine. Revenons en arri?re ? la loi Romaine.

La premi?re loi romaine ?tait la « Loi des douze tables », datant du mi 5eme si?cle avant J?sus Christ. Elle a ?t? nomm?e ainsi car ces lois ont ?t? ?crites sur douze tables en bois. A partir de l?, les gens ont Continue reading

Die Ausbildung in der Ukraine, die moralische Seite

osvitaXXI Jahrhundert – ein Jahrhundert der Innovationen in allen Gebieten des Soziallebens verschiedener menschlichen Zellen auf der Erde. Primitive St?mme der polynesischen Inseln von zivilisierten und gebildeten „Missionaren“ bekommen Epidemien, Hunger und Zerst?rung der Stammideale. „Wei?e G?tter“ versuchen demokratische Werte mit ihren Ecksteinen – Ausbildung beizubringen, als Erlebnis nicht nur Zerst?rung der Ideale, sondern auch ein Verlust der Gesundheit und des Lebens Continue reading

The Christian Uunderstanding of Love, Sacrifice, Suffering, Freedom, Will, Good and Evil

ckrisChristianity presents a whole new understanding of love. The father of Christianity, Judaism was based more on man’s fear of God. In ancient times gods were respected, feared and tributed, but nobody liked them as single personalities.

Love, as opposed to fear, respect and worship, is mutual – God loves a man, and man loves God. God loved man so much that He gave His only son – Jesus, to save us, people, to give eternal life, even despite the atrocities done by people during all these Continue reading

Objectivity and universality of moral

Moral_EticaComing back to the world history it is possible to notice that from the beginning of its origin, even in primitive society, there were certain codes of human behavior, that provided the way of peoples’ life . The simplest facilities of adjusting relations in family groups, that can be considered an initial form to the moral, began to develop in the time of matriarchy. Exactly, at that time Continue reading

Marriage. Historical Changes

familyMarriage is а result of evolution. It has appeared a way of relationship regulation between two humans contrary gender – woman and man, concerning each other and their children. Today wedlock is permitted and regulated by society and it defines marital rights and responsibilities.

In primitive society such a thing as Continue reading

Fatalistic and voluntaristic concept of human activity

vibirHuman is a social creature, which has organized difficult brain, consciousness, language, and can also affect the world. Overall, we can say that man is a higher degree of evolution of life on earth.

The activity of human is manifested in various spheres of activity. For example: the natural, social, spiritual, production. Any human activity in any of the areas, mainly aimed at improving the comfort of human’s life.

One of the most important thing in life and Continue reading

Principles and methods of overcoming group egoism

grup egoDuring our life, we always connect with other people. It is needed for everybody to keep in touch with someone because we want others to support and help us, to give advice and simply to talk and not to be alone in this huge world. People marry to each other, create families, go to kindergartens, schools, universities, then to work.

They meet with their friends, go shopping and so on. From early childhood, they are surrounded by other people. Gathering together, they give life to different groups. Continue reading

Relationship between morality and politics

Politik+MoralSince when in the world was the so-called “freedom of speech” we increasingly began to meet in everyday life, the headlines, or on television, the word “policy”. But few people really understand meaning of the word. For that, turn over the pages of history during the times of ancient Greece. From that time was the beginning the word “policy”.

From the Greek it translated as a city – state. A policy is a defined sphere of relations of social classes, of Nations, of layers, which is determined by the interests and goals, Continue reading

Сrisis of moral education, causes and social consequences

navchannyaWe live in the special times, from one side an epoch carries inspiration to us, and from other affronts to us. There is an overvalue of values. Teachers experience considerable psychological shocks too. Therefore, speech goes about the crisis of world view, change of priorities and overvalue of values.

Now, new political situation, from one side pushes to rethink of aim of educator activity, Continue reading

Moral and psychological aspects of careerism

careraCareer, careerism, careerist – with these words, sooner or later, everyone can face with this things. Everyone chooses way of his life and career, everyone chooses himself how to live, for whom to live, chooses his or her priorities.

For someone in the first place is family – these people never sacrifice career for family values ??success. For other persons Continue reading