Category Archives: Social

Analysis of moral norms in works Sigmund Freud and neofreydizm

Sigmund FreudBefore analyzing the works of Sigmund Freud, we must define what moral and ethical standards. Ethics is the science of morality. Morality … what is it? So morality – a certain attitude, norms of behavior in society that people should follow best and friendly coexistence with other people and the outside world. Moral norms, in turn, it is rules, rules, then people behave well towards others. Some overlap with the Continue reading

Tradi??es e regras Est?nia

estoniyaA capital da Est?nia, Tallinn. A Est?nia ? um pa?s que preserva a tradi??o cultural nacional durante s?culos. Cultura estonianos havia muito pronunciado campesinato. Escravizados na longa luta contra os estonianos feudais conseguiram preservar sua l?ngua e prato ?nico na Continue reading

Traitement co?teux d?sesp?r?ment malade pour ou contre?

sikAi-je besoin de traiter en phase terminale ou non? Cette question nous fait penser et consid?rons qu’il est plus en d?tail. Dans notre monde, des millions de personnes esp?rent pour la r?cup?ration incurable en utilisant la m?decine. Mais aujourd’hui, les m?dicaments sont assez chers. Par cons?quent, chacun d’entre eux en mesure d’aider eux-m?mes en utilisant le Continue reading

Ethical and aesthetic traditions and rules of Tajikistan

tdjikTajiks – a nation that retains and honors the feast of their national traditions and transmit to future generations. Until now Tajiks (especially in villages) go to the national clothes: men in embroidered robes and skullcaps, and women in embroidered colored dresses with trousers a shawl on Continue reading

Etico-estetica tradizione e le regole del Sud Africa

UARIn Sud Africa si stabilirono la ribellione di lingua i popoli. Hanno fatto il trattamento di ferro, di agricoltura e di pastorizia. A sud dal fiume Limpopo la ribellione di lingua i popoli nel IV-V secolo spinto i popoli che parlavano khoisan lingue. Il popolo Bantu ? andato a sud. Antiche testimonianze di elaborazione Natalie sono stati registrati 1050-si. Poi hanno progredito a sud Hosa. Hanno preso in prestito di lingua tratti da khoisan . Continue reading

Forex and it’s immoral implication

foreksForex is an organization, which is dealing with foreign currency exchange it is so called interbank foreign exchange market. Currency trading is called Forex in the world. In Ukraine Forex is used in a narrower range. It means a risky purchase or exchange of currency only with a help of banks which are cooperating with public agencies for their own money with using Continue reading

Wie man einen Lebenspartner f?rs Leben finden? (Regeln und Empfehlungen)

life2Jeder Mensch mindestens einmal in seinem Leben stellte sich die Frage: «Was ist der Sinn des Lebens?», «Was bedeutet es, ein gl?cklicher Mensch zu sein?», « Ist es die Liebe zwischen Mann und Frau?», «Was sind die Normen bei der Auswahl der Lebenspartner durch das Leben?».

T?glich schauen Leute einander, versuchen zu verstehen und finden immer mehr Continue reading

Die Heiligkeit wie ein moralisch-religi?se Ph?nomen

ckrisUm zu verstehen, was die Heiligkeit bedeutet, muss man f?r sich selbst bezeichnen, dass sie zwei Pole hat: der Gott und die Welt. Ihre Quelle, ihre Grundlage, ihr Inhalt – alles ist im Gott, aber ihrer Punkt des Zugangs, solcher Punkt, wo sie steht und sich entwickelt, wo sie sich in der Rettung in Christi ausdr?ckt – die Welt, die aus einer Seite von dem Gott geschaffen wurde, und aus anderer Seite – in der Sklaverei des B?ses gekommen ist. Continue reading

Success Stories brands (Versace, Gucci)

vers+guBy the way that company must pass to gain international recognition? What obstacles can trap ambitious climbers in the world of fashion, on the way to the top? And sometimes willing to most native people for money, power and comfort their ambitions? Try to find this on the example of two Continue reading

Modern fashion 2018

modaFashion always has a place in society and evolved along with humanity. It is constantly changing: new ideals, aspirations, goals and more. Today’s fashion is very special, because now its main motto is freedom and independence, convenience and comfort. Now reigns, minimalist style, which is already losing ground more decorative areas, but already has its supporters among young people and among the older Continue reading