Category Archives: Social

Moral aspect of separatism in Ukraine

separatismThe notion of separatism can be interpreted in different ways, however, no country is impervious to it, and Ukraine hasn’t been left untouched either. For several years we have already been able to observe the manifests of separatism in our country, which determines its territorial and morale dissolution, but one way or another, in the view of rise of such a global problem, it is important, despite of the contradictions Continue reading

Korruption und sie immoralische Konsequenzen

korupGelder. Wort ist angeblich einfach, t?nt nicht erb?rmlich, begn?gsam, hat kleinen Gehalt, und falls zu zuh?ren, nichts besonderer du nicht h?ren . Aber wieviel verkriecht sich hinter diesem beachtenswertem f?r uns Wort, Ha?, Verbrechen, Beleidigungen, ?bel, Negativ, L?ge, Konflikte, Erbitterung. Wieviel Leute durch dieses Wort ausprobierten Tr?nen, Entt?uschungen, Schmerz, Bedauern, Einbu?en, Mi?erfolge und Continue reading

System der Stammtabus

tabuZivilisierte Gesellschaft… In der jetzigen Zeit ist dieser Begriff vielen Menschen bekannt. Und jeder widmet diesen W?rtern eine eigene Bedeutung, aber in meisten F?llen kommt alles auf einige gemeinsame Eigenschaften heraus. Also, eine zivilisierte Gesellschaft ist eine solche Gesellschaft, die durch System der strikt etablierten Regel Continue reading

The role of public institutions to ensure the human right to happiness

happyHappiness. For some, it is the name of the emotions or the presence in the life of a particular person, for others – something unknown, and for the third – meaning of life. Perhaps so many men so many ideas and definitions. Of course, there is a psychological, physiological, philosophical, religious definition.

For centuries, humanity has been seeking for the only true definition of “happiness” and under what circumstances a person Continue reading

Justice as a general ethical notion and principal

femidaJustice is disclosed as interdependence of deed and reckoning. The notion reveals the conformity of rights and obligations, work and remuneration, crime and punishment. Justice is deemed as a general and equal distribution of values that should ensure proper order in any society, assertion of right for each individual.

As ethical notion the justice is linked primarily to the morality of social relations. It acts as with the role of certain social groups and individuals, as well as talking about their social status in the society. For the better consideration and better penetration of this concept we’d better go deep into history. From the ancient time Continue reading

Current problems of moral relationships

Moral_EticaProblems and crises of moral relations at this stage of human development are very actual, because even in the early stages of development our species has dreamt about a carefree life, full of deep meaning, love and based on principles of fairness and justice.

Honesty, kindness, conscience, duty and Continue reading

Syncretism of primitive standards of living arrangement

antic-societySyncretism is the oldest principle characterized by a certain attitude of man to the world, to himself, to reproductive activity. From the Latin, “syncretism” translated as “societies association” means a union of incompatible beliefs and thinking indicates a coherence and unity. The term syncretism applied to many areas of life, including the historical development of Continue reading

Etiquette of modern psychologist

psihThis article reviews the highlights (Key words) of modern psychologist’s etiquette, the necessity of keeping of it as well as “Psychologist’s Code” and the field of it’s influence over psychologist’s etiquette.

Key words: etiquette, psychologist, Psychologist’s Code. Continue reading

The meaning of E-culture in the field of human values: philosofic and antropology context

e-culturaThe meaning of e-culture of and its importance in the formation of spiritual and moral values of the modern information society are in the very field of philosophical anthropology investigation. The results which have already been made show the complexity and diversity of the concept of e-culture and information society, suggest a need to manage the integration of e-culture in the process of spiritual development of society and its values in modern Continue reading

The principle of nonviolence as an imperative of survival

stopHumanity is a community. This community is constant interaction between people. Often interaction represents a contradiction that can lead to quite negative effects. Anyway, life is often associated with violence. Very often, as a way of resolving civil, interpersonal and national problems using force. So-called “traditional” just afraid of us. After all, how can we use force where the problem is solved several successful phrases? Continue reading