Category Archives: Philosophical

The role of Faith and Mind in philosophical and political point of view

faithLittle is known about life of a medieval thinker Marsilius of Padua. Marsilius’s family belonged to the famous kin of Maynardino and was one of the most respected in Padua. Marsilius’s father served as a university notary. Although the University of Padua could not compete with glory of the University of Bologna or Paris, the University of Padua developed its own philosophical school in the XIII century which was based on the study of Continue reading

Value Oscillation in «Metamodernism»

oscillationIn the article there is the identification of the axiological foundations of the concept of metamodernism. Metamodern is the latest reaction on all contexts of existence, but its value bases are still not clear. The concept of metamodernism developed such personalities as: Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker in their works they only noticed that the man in the era of metamodern is between the irony of postmodernism and naive romanticism. Continue reading

Levels and Tiers of an Argument


Argumentation theory has a long history. In my view, the best way to describe its contemporary developments is by considering various theoretical perspectives and approaches. Now, researchers working in various areas investigate the issues of argument. Among them are philosophers, logicians, psychologists, linguists, political Continue reading

Aristotle and Informal Logic

aristotle_12016 year UNESCO declared the «year of Aristotle». The proposal to celebrate 2400 anniversary of Stagirite was presented by the National Commission for UNESCO of Greece with the approval of the «International Centre for Research Aristotle» of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Based and formed logic of Aristotle, as a way to protect the truth and expose the sophistry is relevant for more than two millennia. Continue reading

E-learning methods in the teaching of logical and philosophical disciplines

e-LearningIn the conditions of dynamic development of the labor market, firstly, the level of qualification is growing, it becomes necessary to change the specialty. Secondly, during the last decades an intensive modernization of information technologies in the system of distance education has been observed.

The development of technologies directs the entire education system (especially the higher Continue reading

Philosophy as a methodological basis of education in Ukraine

PhilosSociety can survive and develop only under conditions of adequate responses to the challenges of the social environment. The main characteristic of modern society is the rapid changes of ideas, information dissemination and accumulation of new knowledge.

These processes have spread around the world primarily due to intensive development Continue reading