Category Archives: Mental

Happiness, ataraxia in philosophy of Epicurus

epikurusFor start, it should be noted that the topic given to me was very interesting, it even further disclosure caused me pleasure.

Need your attention on the fact that the philosophical principles of Epicurus strangely coincide with some philosophical tenets of Eastern culture, such as Zen of Buddhists or arrogant form of Confucianism.

In my understanding, there are some similar with a modern philosophy of nihilism. The first tag of Tetrapharmakos (four principle of Epicurus doctrine), Continue reading

Modern successful woman

girlModern successful woman. What of her? For some reason, first of all, that asks for an idea, it is a woman, that has good job, high position, career advancement. But if we miss this first association and think, the specification of the image appears blurred and, above all, happy woman. And makes us happy all around. And especially – self-realization. This is not necessarily career. Some women find themselves in motherhood, where the family – is a world of happiness and joy. Give your love, care, Continue reading

The role of “evil experience” in person self-determination

good_evilTo determine the evil in moral self-determination, you need to research (analyse) your moral self-determination (what influences at it), and also you must understand what is good and what is evil (bad) and their role (part) in person’s life.

So, morals consist of rules which regulate people’s behavior. Moral self-determination it is a process which doesn’t have any period of time, but it helps to find a way in life, it’s a Continue reading

L’aspetto morale della paura dell’uomo di fronte alla morte

RIPPaura di morire, ? una cosa molto complessa. Maggior parte della gente hanno paura appena pensare e immagginare. Ma ? normale . Di questo che vorrei parlare. Alcune persone hanno tanta paura di morire, altri di quello che inevitabile, atri ancora di incertezza, altri ancora di lasciare persone care, avendo paura che cosa suceder? con loro: con loro famiglie o pure Continue reading

Aspekt moralny samorealizacji

careraEtyka samorealizacji osobowo?ci powsta?a na pocz?tku 20 wieku w Europie Zachodniej. Jednostka zacz??a by? postrzegana jako osobowo??, kt?ra jest unikatowa. Podstaw? ?ycia jest samorealizacja cz?owieka, warto?ci moralne kt?rej mog? s?u?y? jako kryterium prawdy. Przy tym jej dzia?ania mog? i nie pokrywa? si? z og?lnie przyj?tymi normami.

Moralna dzia?alno?? cz?owieka zale?y od Continue reading

Astropsyholohiya e dei suoi aspetti morali

astrophsihLa prima persona che ha catturato l’attenzione di scienziati e psicologi per l’astrologia, ? stato uno scrittore e giornalista tedesco Oscar A.H.Shmits Interessato di astrologia 1917, ? diventato contemporaneamente interessato alle idee di Carl Gustav Jung famoso psicologo e psichiatra svizzero. Nel 1922 Schmitz ha scritto il libro “Lo Spirito di Astrologia” che ha suggerito che l’astrologia ? uno Continue reading

?nsan erdemleri i?sel de?eri – Etik stoac?l?k temel ilke

AntikEtik stoyizmu temel aksiyomlar? yans?tan mant?ksal olu?mu? g?nlerde bu sorunu incelemek d?nmek Stoa olarak ba??ms?z, kendi kendine felsefi ??retidir. Sonradan anlaml? stoyizmu olarak g?rev vak?f, bilim eti?i bay?nd?r oldu. Bu ortaya ??kan ve halk zihninde durmak m?mk?n olmu?tur ba?ka doktrin y?zy?llard?r bir ulus de?il, d?nya gibi, ve s?rayla birlikte, insan hayat?n? olu?turan bir?ok spesifik fakt?rlere ?al??maya Continue reading

Happiness as moral value of a personality, basic factors of happiness

lifeIn the 21st century the way of life takes away so much forces and time, that a modern man is heavy to find happiness in trifles. Seeing a single who smiles in the street or in the subway, an ordinary Ukrainian will think, that he is a little mad, only few, unfortunately, will be able to rejoice for him sincerely, and quite a small percent of our compatriots will smile in reply. And a smile is in fact one of many trifles on the way to happiness. Continue reading

Fatalistic and voluntaristic concept of human activity

vibirHuman is a social creature, which has organized difficult brain, consciousness, language, and can also affect the world. Overall, we can say that man is a higher degree of evolution of life on earth.

The activity of human is manifested in various spheres of activity. For example: the natural, social, spiritual, production. Any human activity in any of the areas, mainly aimed at improving the comfort of human’s life.

One of the most important thing in life and Continue reading

Communication as an element of morality

comunicMoral culture of communication is one of the most important human moral elements. On the basis of humanity and humanity towards others and formed the aesthetic, moral, spiritual communion between people and collectives, groups and nations.

Education, any activity and content of communication is life, these elements, Continue reading