Category Archives: Ethical

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of Tommaso Campanella

Tommaso CampanellaFrom an early age interested Tommaso Campanella interested philosophy, only that part, which defended the idea of goodness and justice, truth and the order of true humanism and humanity. Talk and business philosopher do every effort to adopt them in the civil practice, which received constant persecution by the clergy and by the government official with whom he entered into a citizen bitter struggle for liberation from oppression Southern Italy the Spanish monarchy. Continue reading

Ethics and Philosophy of George Berkeley

BerkeleyGeorge Berkeley (1684 – 1753) “Being – meaning perceived”

Anglo-Irish philosopher was born in the English family of nobility in Ireland, studied in Dublin, a period of life taught theology, often traveled to France and Italy, was a missionary in North America has also been a bishop in Ireland. George Berkeley passed a hard way of life. He was strong-willed and courageous, had lots of knowledge of physics, mathematics, physiology and Continue reading

Etyczne i filozoficzne nauki Jean-Paul Sartre

sartrlPiek?o to inni!
Jean-Paul Sartre – fr. filozof, egzystencjalizm. Oczekiwanie nico?? przed ?mierci? daje ludzkiej egzystencji egzystencjalny charakter. Sartre obejmuje nie tylko nieistnienia “nic”, ale g?upoty. Jedyne mo?liwe podej?cie do zagro?enia – odwagi, by wzi?? na siebie: odwagi!

Egzystencjalizm – jest jak pr?ba wyci?gni?cia wniosk?w z sekwencji ateizmu. Pr?bowa? nawet chwyci? cz?owieka w rozpaczy. Je?li, na przyk?ad, spr?buj wymieni? wszystkie niedowierzanie rozpacz, niewiar? we wszystkim, podobnie jak Continue reading

Ethical aspects of life imprisonment

kletkaNowadays the problem of imprisonment for life is very popular. The reason of that is because society has become more violent. Watching news, we can usually hear, that “Today was imprisoned for life a person”. But often people could be wrongly imprisoned. This can happen because of the bribe, either through deliberate label. However, question is “How to survive in such cruel Continue reading

The moral aspect of the human’s fear of death

DeathAt the begining of discussion of such a complex theme as the moral aspect of the human’s fear of death firs of all we need to answer some important questions. They are: “What is morality?”, “What is fear?” and, last but not least, “What is death?”. If we will be able to answer those questions we will be able to understend all the complexity of this elements. But we, of course, should not forget that different folks, cultures and nations maintain different moral values. However, despite of this the fear of death is crosscultural. Continue reading

Moralno?? i egoizm

egoistW dzisiejszym ?wiecie bardzo trudno nie spotka? egoistyczne osoby. Wszystkie s? w pewnym stopniu, chocia? niekt?re w wi?ksz?, a niekt?re mniejsz? egoistyczne. Sta?o si? to w naszym spo?ecze?stwie, ka?dy dla siebie, ka?dy op?aca si? zrobi? tak, ?e b?dzie lepiej, pomimo zakazu niekt?rych ustaw, a przede wszystkim norm moralnych spo?ecze?stwa, powstaje wi?cej ni? kilkana?cie lat. To moralno?? mo?e pokaza?, gdzie ?rodowisko, spo?ecze?stwo wykszta?cony cz?owiek w toku osobniczego rozwoju.

 Moralne – tworzone wsp?lne zasady, kt?re zosta?y ustanowione w historycznym rozwoju ludzko?ci, kt?re Continue reading

Analysis of moral language in metaethics

langv‘I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.’
Johann Goethe,

When I’m thinking about the phenomenon of moral language – lines from a poem of the famous Russian poet – Vladimir Mayakovski – come immediately to my mind: “what is good and what is bad”. Remember? This phrase has become a common like Shakespeare’s one: “to be or not to be”. Continue reading

Traditions and discursive legitimation of moral norms

etiikkaEverybody knows that moral norms and laws regulate relations between society and man and relations between people. Actually moral appears as reflection of subjective morality, as inside personality moral. And moral is just an accumulation of historical standards, certain rules that are generally regulate behavior, relations in society. Moral – is a thing with a cultural beginning that is Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of Francis Bacon

francis_bacon1Many problems of morality studied English philosopher Francis Bacon, who dedicated this issue some of their work “experience or teaching moral and political”, which is in itself an essay on ethical and socio-political issues and “Experiments and learning”, which consists of his short essay in which the philosopher puts their consideration of morality and politics.

Francis Bacon wrote about death and human nature, and favor his views, good nature and kindness, habits and education, manners and morals, love and happiness, friendship, cunning, Continue reading