Category Archives: Ethical

Moral typology H. Bergson “The two sources of morality and religion”

BergsonEverybody of us belong yourself and a society equally. In the society we are in a continuous contact with other personalities, where appears mutual dependence.

Two morals have selected – the first and the second. The first moral is social, and the second – human.

There is such concept as responsibility. It know how relationship between us and the society, though, above all things, this relationship with oneself. Therefore, a social moral was accused in neglect of individual responsibility. But habit is suffice, and we often can only follow the normal flow of things, to give the society what Continue reading

Theoretical concepts the sense of life: selfishness, altruism, conformism, etc.

happyEveryone interested in the question: “Why do I live on the Earth?”. We were given to understand it, the term “vision of life” in advance. Everyone differently discovers and understands the value. All factors that surrounds people: actions, moral value of life, behavior, thinking their existence and determine the meaning of his own life, his calling, purpose.

Other way, if a man be in unpredictable situations, loss of Mental Health (depression, Continue reading

Theoretical ethics problem

etiikkaGood and evil, morals and ethics are the notions which made many scientists meditate that because a stimulus for the beginning of such science as ethics.

Ethics is quite an interesting science which investigates vital values, helps evaluate properly and analyze one or another vital situation that appears in the society from Continue reading

The philosophical character of ethics

ethics-To my mind, it’s happened very funny situation. If consider that my relations with philosophy haven’t had good results from the second year of my study at university. I don’t understand the main idea of philosopher and especially the specialty of a philosopher. To be a philosopher for me is nothing useful to do and simply think Continue reading

Etyczne aspekty przyja?ni

FraindsAnalizuj?c zabytki literackie mo?na powiedzie?, ?e przyja?? zawsze czczony jako wielkiej warto?ci moralnej i spo?ecznej. Arystoteles po?wi?ci? du?o wiedzy czasu przyja?ni, bo my?la?em, ?e to najbardziej niezb?dne do ?ycia.

Arystoteles pisa?: Continue reading

Cel cel?w ludzkiej dzia?alno?ci

vibirCz?owiek – istota z?o?ona, maj?ca umys?, emocje, woln? wole, kt?ra tak jak ka?da inna, dla ?ycia ma postawi? przed sob? cel i dla przed?u?enia istnienia – go osi?gn??.

Dzia?alno?ci? mo?na okre?li? aktywno??, kt?ra przejawia si? w zdolno?ci cz?owieka do bycia ?rod?em zmian w ?yciu. Osob? jaka prowadzi dzia?alno?? nazywa si? ka?dego kto ?yje. Istnieje aktywno?? spo?eczna – spos?b odnoszenia si? osoby do swiata, kt?ry jest realizowany w ?rodowisku spo?ecznym i wyr??nia si? zobowi?zaniem do dzia?ania. Ona Continue reading

Sittenlehre Naturalismus

ethics-KDas Sittenlehrenaturalismus ist eine einfache Theorie von Sittenlehre und behauptet, da? unsere Sittenlehrekodexe in unserer k?rperlicher Natur anfangen. In einfacher Theorie werden die Lebewesen als besch?ftigter oder der Faulenzer abwechselnd untersucht. Aber diese zwei Niveaus sind nicht ?quivalenter und nicht ersetzbar. Das M??iggang ist dieser Anstalt Continue reading

Kritik des Utilitarismus

BenthamDer Utilitarismus ist eine Richtung in der Ethik, die der Nutzen als die Grundlage der Moral repr?sentiert. Das ist das Prinzip der Bewertung der Erscheinungen, der Prozesse, der Sachen, der Angaben nur nach dem Aussehen ihrer Nutzbarkeit und auch nach der M?glichkeit als Mittel bei der Zielerreichung zu dienen. Continue reading

Etyka Sceptycyzmu

SceptycyzmSceptycyzm jako doktryna filozoficzna powsta?a w latach 360-270 p ne . e . , jego za?o?ycielem by? Pirron od Elis . Sceptycyzm z greckiego oznacza ” spojrzenie” , “spostrzeganie ” , kierunek filozoficzny oparty na regularnym sprawdzaniu i eksperymentowaniu, przynosi on w?tpliwo?ci co do jako?ci my?li, oraz zasady by? w w?tpliwo?ci wiarygodno?ci prawdy .

Sceptycyzm staro?ytni przeszed? wiele metamorfoz. Z praktycznego podej?cia do ?ycia, kt?re by?o racjonalne i op?acalne, sta? si? nauk? teoretyczn?. Nie ci?gnie jakiekolwiek postulaty, sceptycy pocz?tkowo zakwestionowa?y mo?liwo?? jakiejkolwiek wiedzy i domagali si? obalenia Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of John Locke

LockeThe philosophy of John Locke, as we see from his work “Essay Concerning Human Understanding“, which is completely impregnated certain advantages and disadvantages. One second and equally useful, such flaws are only theoretical side. It is always prudent and better abandon logic, it becomes paradoxical. Philosopher declares general principles that the reader will easily imagine that can lead to amazing performances; but whenever there are strange event, it seems they are about to appear, Locke tactfully derived on their Continue reading