Category Archives: Ethical

Moralische Aspekte der Sozialer Entwicklung

Sozialer EntwicklungSozialer Entwicklung findet sich heutzutage in vielen Aspekten menschlicher Leben statt. Man versteht unter diesem Begriff alles was mit der Entwicklung zusammenh?ngt – Entwicklung der Industrieller Sektor, Entwicklung der P?dagogik, Entwicklung den Streitkr?ften, Entwicklung der Medizin und so weiter.

Dadurch aber dass wir uns gerade mit dem Wort „Moralisch“ bzw. mit „Moralischer Aspekten“ besch?ftigen, w?rde ich Sie aufs folgende Frage zu sto?en: Continue reading

The Intellectual Love of God

Spinoza2Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza is one of the most famous philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, he is also outstanding metaphysician. Baruch became famous as a figure who studied rationalism and naturalism. His base works are ” On the Improvement of the Understanding “, “Theologico-political treatise” and “Ethics”.

Spinoza used geometrical method in his work, like Euclid, and built a number of philosophical theories, each is based on another one. Continue reading

Universality and particularity of Morals

etiikkaThe morals as a phenomenon of public consciousness, manifestation of culture, spiritual life, along with the right and art, are the basis, from “which root grow all the rest”. The main moral values consist generally of unwritten laws of good, norms of morals, traditions and representations of a certain society about legal and unlawful. Continue reading

John Rolls „ Die Gerechtigkeitstheorie“

John-Rawls-1John Rolls war bekannte Vertreter der englichen amerikanischen politischen Philosophie. Er lerne Philosophic der Schwierigkeitsuntersuchung von der Logik end Sprache. Weiter beobachtete John solche Frage wie Philosophie und Ethik der Politik. Das Hauptthema seiner bekannten Werken wie z.B. „ Die Gerechtigkeitstheorie“ und „Politik des Liberalismus“ war die Suche der Anstiftungen von gerechten Gesellschaft und die Inszenierung des Moralargumentationproblems, die der Argumentation der Zweckm??igkeit ausgeht wird. Continue reading

Analysis of moral reasoning in emotivism moral theory (A. Ayyer, B. Russell, Ch. Stevenson, R. Carnap, H. Reichenbach)

emotivismConsidering the moral judgments like components of emotivism theories of morality we must understand what is emotivism in general. The concept of emotivism defined as moral subjectivist theory which denies the objective meaning of ethical concepts; neo ethics is one of the way [1]. These ideas for this area originated in the mid of 18th century, and gained much publicity 20-50th of 20th century. All theories are based on three emotivismуs` features: the present and future are Continue reading

Mortgage in a moral sense

MortgageMortgage is а type of loans, where the loan granted for the purchase of certain real property. The main demand to get this kind of loan is conclusion of the contract, which documentary approves status of participants. Contract is produced by selected bank or financial institution. Continue reading

Attorney’s moral duty at different stages of legal proceedings

Attorney's moral dutyOne of the main components of the moral is moral consciousness. Its review and defined as an exclusive form of social consciousness and a system of ideas, opinions, thoughts, concepts, understandings about the correct behavior that met social norms.

If characterize moral consciousness in general, it should be noted its characteristic Continue reading

Justice: moral, legal and pedagogical aspects

femidaWe have to live in anxious times. Sometimes we can not even respond to many things at all because of the speed of our life. It seams that everything blends together in a huge road tunnel. The result of this is disbelief in yourself, friends, tomorrow, and even the future of our planet.

Nevertheless, what causes the real disappointment in life? In my opinion, it is iniquity. At some point we can come to decision that our heart is broken. It happened because we feel that someone is very unfair to us, someone has more money or gets more attention than we do. Sometimes we feel bad because someone is Continue reading

Bioethics as framework of applied ethics

BioethicsProblems related to life and death, debates on euthanasia, cloning, and transplantation – affecting fundamental human rights, are studied in the framework of applied ethics. Written many works in our country and abroad, devoted to the development of scientific trends and projects that are simultaneously related to research in the field of life and death. Twenty-first century marks Continue reading

Forex market is moral or immoral

foreksThe relevance and problem statement. The decrease in the level of living of the population, sharp social and economic change and the crisis of modern society have altered the attitude to easy money in Ukraine and all over the world. Since now extends the trend of earning through the Internet, without making any effort, this business is booming, apparently he is Continue reading