Category Archives: Ethical

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of Kierkegaard

kierkegaardDanish philosopher Soren Kierkegord is one of the most popular authors of non-classical philosophy, he devoted himself to literature. The subject of his research in his works were the work of “either – Or”, “Fear and trembling” He criticized Hegel for what he has deprived man of freedom and independence.

There is nothing in common in existence Kierkegaard and Hegel. According to Hegel, one can attain the Supreme through serial passage level ideas and nature. S. Kierkegaard argued that the highest stage of human development is faith. Human life as a whole is based on the rules of conduct, norms and principles, on ethics. Continue reading

Professional Ethics of a speech therapist

LogopedProfessional ethics, in my opinion is the system by which teachers find common language with students. Taking into account all their features, having a general idea of students, etc. But all this is very helpful Psychology. In my mind psychology is important in professional ethics, because thanks to this science, we can see a man that which is not visible to the naked eye, Continue reading

The relationship between law, moral and morality in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law

Hegel_portrait45German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770 – 1831) doesn’t take a significant place in ethics compared with philosophy in general. But he made a very decisive step forward – the transition from ethics of goodwill to the ethics of socially meaningful activity. This step was necessary for the appearence of a historical-materialistic theory of morality.

In general, according to Hegel a law can be understood in its three core values. I. A right in the sense of freedom. Freedom and law have the united understanding. So the freedom is the existence of will, as Georg Hegel believed that thinking and will – Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical doctrine of V. Vernadsky

vernadskiyyProminent Ukrainian and genial scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, had made the significant contribution in branch of the developing of sciences such as ethics and philosophy (cosmic philosophy) when worked out the noosphere`s concepts.

The international’s community have great interest in the scientist’s face, like ideas most of the greatest scientists like himself, his ideas which were more ahead then their time. Great part of problems, such as nature could be solved through the noospher`s concept and relevance of it increase. The overwhelming numbers noosphere `s studies in the focused on the Continue reading

Justice as a general ethical notion

advokatJustice is disclosed as interdependence of deed and reckoning. The notion reveals the conformity of rights and obligations, work and remuneration, crime and punishment. Justice is deemed as a general and equal distribution of values that should ensure proper order in any society, assertion of right for each individual. As ethical notion the justice is linked primarily to the morality Continue reading

Ethical and aesthetic traditions and rules Vietnam

VietnamVietnam is ancient and unique country with its data, for us, but no less interesting traditions, unusual and specific cuisine, amazing culture.

Located Country in Southeast Asia, capital of Vietnam is Ho Chi Minh City, or as it is called Misty Saigon. The city is named after the ruler of Ho Chi Minh. Vietnam – this Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical teachings of Karl-Otto Apel

apelThe famous of the 20th century German philosopher Karl-Otto Apel has been exposed in the formation of the Anglo-American and German philosophical thought. Philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel played a major role in the development of German philosophy, as well as the transformation of Jurgen Habermas views. His philosophy took place in several stages of development, which was based on the philosophies of Emmanuel Kant and Johann Fichte.

Works of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein, which were dedicated to philosophical problems Continue reading

Ethik und Philosophie der Metropolit Hilarion

ilarionHeute jeden von uns interessiert die Antike Geschichte, Kulture, Literatur. Das ist normal. Wir m?ssen wissen, die Vergangenheit des Staates, um zu erreichen, Unabh?ngigkeit heute. N?mlich die Vergangenheit Ihrer Vorfahren lernen aus alten Quellen.

Metropolit Hilarion einen gro?en Beitrag zur Entwicklung der antiken Philosophie.In dieser Person passt Philosoph, der erste Metropolit, Schriftsteller, Historiker. Es ist bekannt, dass Hilarion entzogen worden ist, mit des Lehrstuhls. Wir wissen, dass Hilarion wurde der Metropolabteilung entzogen. Dann postryhayetsya er einen M?nch, der den Namen Nikon tr?gt. Continue reading

Modern science ethics, main problems

scinScience is a social phenomenon. Science – is the work of scientists in a particular area to achieve the truth knowledge. Such activities are based on special laws, rules, principles of human life, and these aspects in turn is a certain set of legal, political, administrative regulators of every individual society life in Continue reading

Relationship between morality and politics

Politik+MoralSince when in the world was the so-called “freedom of speech” we increasingly began to meet in everyday life, the headlines, or on television, the word “policy”. But few people really understand meaning of the word. For that, turn over the pages of history during the times of ancient Greece. From that time was the beginning the word “policy”.

From the Greek it translated as a city – state. A policy is a defined sphere of relations of social classes, of Nations, of layers, which is determined by the interests and goals, Continue reading