After birth of human civilization began one of the most important processes of human culture – the process of creating beauty. Today we can call it “art”. What was art for a human before? What was the art’s role in the development of practical inner world? Continue reading
Category Archives: Ethical
Analysis of moral norms in works Sigmund Freud and neofreydizm
Before analyzing the works of Sigmund Freud, we must define what moral and ethical standards. Ethics is the science of morality. Morality … what is it? So morality – a certain attitude, norms of behavior in society that people should follow best and friendly coexistence with other people and the outside world. Moral norms, in turn, it is rules, rules, then people behave well towards others. Some overlap with the Continue reading
Happiness, ataraxia in philosophy of Epicurus
For start, it should be noted that the topic given to me was very interesting, it even further disclosure caused me pleasure.
Need your attention on the fact that the philosophical principles of Epicurus strangely coincide with some philosophical tenets of Eastern culture, such as Zen of Buddhists or arrogant form of Confucianism.
In my understanding, there are some similar with a modern philosophy of nihilism. The first tag of Tetrapharmakos (four principle of Epicurus doctrine), Continue reading
Ethisch philosophische Lehre Charles Pier
Im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert in der amerikanischen Philosophie bekannte und bedeutende Richtung war Pragmatismus. Der name griechischen Ursprungs “pragma” und bedeutet “Verfahren, die Aktion”. Gerade die Analyse der Handlungen, Aktivit?ten Pers?nlichkeit, seine Wahrnehmung der Welt ist die prinzipielle Position der Pragmatismus, wobei die dominierenden, die in der Arbeit sich zu pr?sentieren Leistungsf?higkeit oder erfolgreiches und Philosophie neigt dazu, Menschen zu unterst?tzen, wenn die Erkenntnis in die Tat umsetzen, Ihre bestimmte Aktionen und Sieg erreichen in jedem Prozess, der Form Ihrer T?tigkeit. Continue reading
Ense?anzas ?ticas y filos?ficas de Nicholas Berdyaev
Nikolai Berdyaev en la etapa actual del desarrollo humano es uno de los m?s grandes fil?sofos del siglo XX. Cient?fico Creaci?n decidi? atribuir al existencialismo creyente – filosof?a de la existencia, que est? muy influenciado el florecimiento de diversos tipos de literatura y el arte y el pensamiento que el ser, lo que indica la esencia de la persona, lo lleva a Dios. Tambi?n es el autor de la orientaci?n filos?fica, llamada “personalismo”, la esencia de lo que se explica por ser una persona creativa es la realidad primaria, y todo alrededor – una expresi?n de creatividad “personalidades sobrehumanas” – Dios. Continue reading
Ethical and aesthetic traditions and rules of Tajikistan
Tajiks – a nation that retains and honors the feast of their national traditions and transmit to future generations. Until now Tajiks (especially in villages) go to the national clothes: men in embroidered robes and skullcaps, and women in embroidered colored dresses with trousers a shawl on Continue reading
Etico-estetica tradizione e le regole del Sud Africa
In Sud Africa si stabilirono la ribellione di lingua i popoli. Hanno fatto il trattamento di ferro, di agricoltura e di pastorizia. A sud dal fiume Limpopo la ribellione di lingua i popoli nel IV-V secolo spinto i popoli che parlavano khoisan lingue. Il popolo Bantu ? andato a sud. Antiche testimonianze di elaborazione Natalie sono stati registrati 1050-si. Poi hanno progredito a sud Hosa. Hanno preso in prestito di lingua tratti da khoisan . Continue reading
The role of “evil experience” in person self-determination
To determine the evil in moral self-determination, you need to research (analyse) your moral self-determination (what influences at it), and also you must understand what is good and what is evil (bad) and their role (part) in person’s life.
So, morals consist of rules which regulate people’s behavior. Moral self-determination it is a process which doesn’t have any period of time, but it helps to find a way in life, it’s a Continue reading
Ob die Ethik der Gewaltfreiheit immer angemessen ist?
Moderner Mensch. Moderne Welt. Modernes Leben. Diese s?mtlichen Worte und S?tze h?ren wir genug oft von Anderen, lesen in den Zeitungen, beobachten in den Medien sowie nach wie vor nutzen die selbst im Alltag. Aber was steckt dahinter? Sicher hat dieses Konzept ganz unterschiedliche Bedeutungen f?r jeden Menschen. Continue reading
Ethical, philosophical teachings of Ivan Vyshensky
A talented patriot preacher, the fame of which was spread on the lands of Ukraine. Master analogy, winner of the literary style and imagery, emotion and marked impulsivity. The speaker, whose enthusiasm combined with skepticism and irony. The figure, which is fraught inspiration “true prophet”. It’s not all great ascetic merit our history John Vyshensky.
Uncompromising Vishensky was firmly convinced that only the Orthodox faith will save Ukraine, and all the newfound European science and the theory of “demonic a dream.” Can we agree with this opinion patriotic man who was perhaps blinded by patriotic aim too high? Continue reading