Category Archives: Ethical

Ethische und philosophische Lehre von Hans Jonas

hans-jonasSinnen ?ber bereuen, Vergehen und Verantwortung f?r Philosophie unserer Zeit nicht spukt neuer. Voraussetzung f?r sie waren Erster und Zweiter Weltkriege, andauernde lokale Kriege, Chornobilska Katastrophe und andere bemerkbare Begebenheiten XX Jahrhundert . Hans Jonas – Autor, der ihrige Arbeit ?ber Kritik Sittenlehreklugheit” zu Reformieren soziale Philosophie und Sittenlehre aufschrieb. Continue reading

Act as a primary element of morality

ChoiceMoral activity in professional literature is understood in a broader and narrower sense. In a broad sense we can work considered moral if it is consistent with the requirements, values and norms of morality. Moral behavior or human activity is when a person is polite, respectful attitude expresses the people who surround her are decent, adequately perform their duties. Is immoral activity – is the one that gives moral precepts. Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical teachings of Thomas Aquinas

thomas-aquinasIndeed, the participation of God in the moral life is constant and all soulful? Are you sure about that? Your faith in it is as strong as his? We need to believe in something. Something stronger and more powerful than our essence. Something unattainable and unknowable. Why? We feel protected. Yes, exactly. We know that someone is watching over our deeds. I believe that our will and thoughts someone is running, but no, not as slaves. We are free conscious people. Continue reading

Norm as an element of moral consciousness

etiikkaAnnotation: we examined the question of morality; it is an element in life and humanity in general. And also present morality in the literary world and scientists.

Our lives are making out of different sounds which create our mood. It’s like an orchestra. We are part of this creation. Who is the conductor? For me, it’s moral Continue reading

Ideas of morality and ethics theory of morality

ethics-KEthics is a science, subject of which is the morality, and the central problem of good and evil.

In its simplest formulation: ethics, and morality is a representation of society and the individual about good and evil, about how to do well and as badly. Continue reading

Plagiarism in scientific work: for or against?

plagiatAt the present stage, the information in society, free access to the dissemination of information and the rapid development of technological activities facilitate the process of intellectual development. But at the same time processes of use and appropriation of other ideas and opinions become more and more spread.

This is due to the large number of higher educational establishments and other forms of the educational services. At the moment there are quite a few really interesting and worthy scientific works, which offer relevant Continue reading

Justice as a general ethical notion and principal

femidaJustice is disclosed as interdependence of deed and reckoning. The notion reveals the conformity of rights and obligations, work and remuneration, crime and punishment. Justice is deemed as a general and equal distribution of values that should ensure proper order in any society, assertion of right for each individual.

As ethical notion the justice is linked primarily to the morality of social relations. It acts as with the role of certain social groups and individuals, as well as talking about their social status in the society. For the better consideration and better penetration of this concept we’d better go deep into history. From the ancient time Continue reading

Current problems of moral relationships

Moral_EticaProblems and crises of moral relations at this stage of human development are very actual, because even in the early stages of development our species has dreamt about a carefree life, full of deep meaning, love and based on principles of fairness and justice.

Honesty, kindness, conscience, duty and Continue reading

Ethical and philosophical doctrine Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

mirandollaGiovanni Pico della Mirandolla – Italian representative early humanism era Renaissance. All of Europe believes Giovanni most educated man of the Renaissance. The philosopher was incarnation the high aspirations humanism.

Pico studied issues man’s place in the world, ways to achieve truth the philosophical attitude to wealth studied philosophy different master, would describe all the secret different countries, investigated content book of Life, substantiated human freedom, which creates own “I”; the basic idea – comparisons of rights to unearthly. Using their doctrine and doctrine Plato – Pico della Continue reading

The principle of nonviolence as an imperative of survival

stopHumanity is a community. This community is constant interaction between people. Often interaction represents a contradiction that can lead to quite negative effects. Anyway, life is often associated with violence. Very often, as a way of resolving civil, interpersonal and national problems using force. So-called “traditional” just afraid of us. After all, how can we use force where the problem is solved several successful phrases? Continue reading