Author Archives: Mary

International Migration: The Case of Japanese-Brazilians and Hamamatsu City

migraciya2Many Asian countries have begun importing labor as their economies have developed. In Japan, the foreign labor force grew significantly after the state immigration policy was amended in 1990. This policy change, in conjunction with the country’s globalization over the ensuing decade, has resulted in a rapidly-growing Japanese-Brazilian population in Japan. Continue reading

Indonesian Muslim Feminist Agendas toward Recognition of Gay and Lesbian Rights

asian-gayThe Muslim feminists in Indonesia have an important position among the efforts to uphold gay/ lesbian rights. Nowadays, some groups such as GAYa Nusantara, Koalisi Pelangi, and Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, who promotes gay rights in Indonesia focus on the internal empowerment among gay communities and still abandon the problem of theology and religion. It is hard for the Continue reading

The Soviet Coup as Critical Juncture in Modern Chinese Politics

Chinese PoliticsThe path of economic reform in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in recent years has been one of consistent, incremental change. However, this was not the case in the 1980s and early 1990s when the introduction of western-style market reforms had given rise to significant divisions in China’s top leadership and a general sense of uncertainty as to which economic path China would take. Continue reading

Kim Jong Il’s “Animation Revolution”

animationKimThe history of North Korean animation goes back to early post-Korean war (1950-1953) years. Since the mid-1950s animated feature production has not only increased, but also significantly changed its style and content and even evolved into a lucrative international enterprise, which is not unimportant for the country faced with economic hardships for more than a decade now.

Producing roughly 20-plus animated feature films every year beginning in 1985 when it was founded, North Korea’s April 26 Children’s Film Production House is probably the world’s largest studio with a staff of more than 1,500. It was about the same time that the state-run Continue reading

Creating Islamic Identity

islamAsiaMost of works on violent conflicts tend to begin with an assumption that ethnicity, religiosity, and nationality have to with the sources of the conflicts. Because the way the studies see the conflicts, they are then called “ethno-nationalist conflict” studies. In this way, conflicts in the Middle East are “Arab-Israeli conflict” or “Arab-Palestinian Conflict”, the conflict in the Balkan “Muslim-Christian Conflict”, the conflict in Rwanda “Hutu-Tutsi Continue reading

Distance Learning and E-Education in Southeast Asia

E-learningAsiaDistance learning has been identified by the World Bank and UNDP as a potentially valuable tool in meeting the Millennium Development Goals in Southeast Asia, since according to the Bank distance learning can provide “new and innovative means to bring educational opportunities,” “especially for those who have historically been excluded, such as populations in rural areas, women facing social barriers, and students with disabilities.” While there are some established and successful examples of the use of distance learning in higher education in Southeast Asia, there has been relatively less research on promoting distance education at the Continue reading

The Northeast Asian International Order and Nationalism

N-AziaThe international order in Northeast Asia is in transition due to the changing dynamics between the nations in this region, such as the rise of China, Japan’s movement for normalization, North Korean nuclear crisis, and the U.S.’ uncertain positions for these events. Japan’s Dokdo provocation, the Sino-Japanese dispute o ver Tiao-yu-tai(Senkaku) Islands, the Russo-Japanese dispute over Kuril Islands, and the “war of memories ” Continue reading

Resolving the Disputes in International Intellectual Property Rights

Property RightsThe main purpose of this paper is to analyze the actual process of resolving intellectual property right disputes among nations. International regimes such as WTO and WIPO are built to play a significant role in solving intellectual property right problems between countries.

However, there exist limitations of international regimes in resolving the international intellectual property right disputes, since the interests of various Continue reading

Cultural Identities and Lived Experience of North-Korean Diasporas in South Korea

N-KoreaynThis thesis is a research on the diverse identities of North Korean migrants who became university students in South Korea and the significance of their life experiences as diasporas. With a rapid increase of North Korean migrants entering South Korea since mid-1990s, they were regarded to construct a new wave called the “the rush of North Korean Defector.” In the past, such ‘defectors’ were only recognized as political dissidents, Continue reading

Willingness to Communicate between Chinese and Americans in cross-cultural communication and Relating Factors

Business PartnersWith the process of globalization, people have more opportunities and reasons to travel around the world and thus more opportunity to communicate with people from other countries. In this case, cross-cultural communication is becoming more and more important. Among the popular purposes of going abroad, study is the one gaining the most concern. Statistics indicates that, U.S is the country that accepts most of the international students, and China outputs most of the international students. Continue reading